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Master of Business Administration + Doctorate of Business Administration Course Descriptions

60 Total Credit Hours

MBA Core Courses

  • BUS 602 – Accounting for Managers 3 credits. This graduate level course is designed to provide insight into managerial accounting concepts with a focus on real-world application. Specifically, this course will examine managerial accounting tools and resources that assist managers with business decisions spanning different disciplines, including human resources, marketing, finance and operations. Standard costing, budgeting and forecasting methodologies will be examined. Financial statements will be analyzed by examining key ratios and trends. Sustainability reporting, which is becoming increasingly more important for businesses today, will also be covered. An entrepreneurial perspective will be provided throughout different aspects of the course, including an entrepreneurship case study. This course is challenging, fast paced and relevant for business managers or those making or supporting business decisions. 
  • BUS 606 – Strategic Marketing 3 credits. This is a course that intends to integrate marketing knowledge and apply it in addressing strategic decision making situations. Strongly emphasizing application, the course is centered around the process of analyzing cases in marketing management with the express purpose of making clear, specific, and justifiable strategic marketing decisions. This course emphasizes the use of analytical skills in making judgments under uncertainty in a variety of marketing contexts, including strategic selling, sales management, new product introduction, franchising, marketing research, and others. It is intended to help students apply critical thinking skills in making better decisions using strategic criteria.
  • BUS 607 – Corporate Finance 3 credits. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the world of corporate finance. Topics covered include financial statement analysis, cost of capital, capital structure, common stock valuation, capital budgeting, market efficiency, dividend policy, mergers and acquisitions, corporate hedging, and corporate restructuring and failure. 
  • BUS 618 – Managing Information and Technology 3 credits. This course provides the foundation for business professionals to collaborate with IT experts while making business decisions with a significant technology component. This course is more strategic than technical and is designed to help the students appreciate and integrate the idea of IT as a critical and strategic asset of the enterprise. This course will cover the strategic use of IS/IT in various industries and sectors including health care, financial services, professional services, manufacturing, distribution, government, among others.
  • BUS 903 – Analyzing Behavior in Organizations 3 credits. This course builds on students’ prior learning about human behavior in an organizational setting. The application of techniques for individual and organizational growth are evaluated with the intent of further developing critical-thinking skills, and a sensitivity to the individual’s role in creating organizational cultures. Topics may include: personality and attitudes, group process: building teams, communication, and orchestrating change. 
  • BUS 904 – Executive Supply Chain Strategy & Negotiations 3 credits. The course is designed to help students learn how to identify, dissect, and answer strategic management problems. To remedy the crucial challenges facing organizations, students will research, analyze, and evaluate solutions. Students cultivate skills using decision and visualization tools, logic frameworks, and negotiation tactics. Students will present fact-based analysis and recommendations in oral and written formats to persuade an audience to support recommendations.  


  • BUS 609 – MBA Strategic Management 3 credits. Students will develop an understanding of strategy and its formulation, implementation, and evaluation. The course focuses on strategic management decisions and actively incorporates multi-disciplinary elements of marketing, finance, operations, and quantitative analysis. It is designed to help students learn how to identify, dissect, and answer strategic management problems; research, analyze, and offer solutions to crucial challenges facing organizations; and present fact-based analysis and recommendations in oral and written formats to persuade an audience to support recommendations. The course utilizes readings, business cases and real-life examples to accomplish the synthesis. 

Business Research Concentration

  • BUS 901 – Introduction to Academic Research & Doctoral Studies in Business 3 credits. This course provides an overview of academic scholarship and prepares the doctoral student for performing business research. Students use critical thinking models and practices, including the role of assumptions, to identify business problems. Students will learn about the various forums for presenting to academic and practitioner audiences. Students will also become acquainted with Edgewood college’s resources, technologies, policies and scholarly writing. 
  • BUS 920 – Quantitative Analysis I: Quantitative Research Analysis 3 credits.  This course provides an understanding of the application of quantitative analytical techniques to problems in business enterprises. The course provides experience in formulating research questions and hypotheses, constructing analytical models and drawing inferences from their results. In addition, the programming language R will be introduced. 
  • BUS 921 – Qualitative Research 3 credits. Students in this course will learn what constitutes qualitative research, how it differs from quantitative research and how to apply qualitative research methods. This involves students identifying and formulating appropriate qualitative research plans, developing qualitative research questions, conducting a planned analysis, and communicating their findings. 

DBA Core Courses

  • BUS 902 – Business Sustainability and Ethics 3 credits. Corporate social responsibility has become increasingly important, as employees, investors and consumers have expressed a greater desire for such actions. This course will consider the actions business organizations can take aimed at benefiting society. It will also explore new and emerging sustainable business strategies that create a competitive advantage to support organizations. 
  • BUS 910 – Financial Decision-Making & Value Creation 3 credits. In this course, students will build upon their knowledge of managerial finance to measure and manage the risk and value of investment opportunities including equity investments, fixed income investments, financing vehicles, payout policies, derivatives securities, and special topics. 
  • BUS 922 – Quantitative Analysis II: Applied Regression Analysis 3 credits. Applied Regression Analysis will focus on the estimation of various regression models. It reviews regression methodology, assumptions of the framework and corrections for violations of the assumptions with an emphasis on practical skills. Applications in consulting projects are also discussed. Students will build and test regression models using R, and discuss the advantages and shortcomings of alternative models. 

Leadership Excellence Concentration

  • BUS 940 – Effective Organizational Leadership 3 credits. This course presents theories, methods, and models of organizational leadership. Students will assess the performance of an organization and devise a plan for continual improvement and systematic innovation within the context of its operating environment by using the critical thinking and socially responsible managerial decision making skills necessary for developing and implementing long-term strategies that create a competitive advantage to support an organization. 
  • BUS 941 – Leading Change 3 credits. In this course, learners analyze the literature within the leadership concepts surrounding changing employee behaviors, enterprise agility, agile workforce transformation, and leading complex change. Learners investigate unique frameworks and tools proven to assist in creating a project about leading teams for growth and change, leading through crisis, leading transformational change, and other relevant and current topics. 
  • BUS 962 – Managerial Economics 3 credits. Applications of microeconomic theory to problems of formulating managerial decisions. Emphasis on economics as a science that facilitates decision making. Topics considered include optimization techniques, risk analysis and estimation of demand and costs of production, market structures and pricing practice, and antitrust economics. Integrates theory and practice.  

Applied Doctoral Research Course Requirements

  • BUS 930 – Applied Doctoral Research Proposal I 3 credits. Students apply the fundamentals of research writing, and how the principles of business research writing will be followed in the applied doctoral research deliverable. Students engage in configuration of the first part of their applied doctoral research proposal including an introduction to the context of the business problem/question to be solved as well as the assumptions or constraints of the business problem. A commentary on the feasibility of the applied doctoral research proposal is also expected in this proposal. 
  • BUS 931 – Applied Doctoral Research Proposal II 3 credits. This part of the proposal contains a synthesis of sufficient academic and business literature to support the need to address the proposed business problem/question. The proposal must also describe how the research is to be conducted, including details about the sample for data collection, the methods of data collection, their reliability and validity. 
  • BUS 932 – Findings and Conclusions 3 credits. In this deliverable, the students will need to report the findings based on the analysis of collected data. Based on the findings of the research, the student will also be expected to comment on the assumptions and constraints of the business problem/question laid out in the introduction of the applied doctoral research proposal. 
  • BUS 933 – Applied Doctoral Research Defense & Completion 3 credits. Based on the conclusions about the findings of the study, the students will be expected to recommend the solutions that can be used to address the problem/question. The student will also be expected to prepare an execution plan. The execution plan of the proposed solution is an essential component of the defense of the Applied Doctoral Research deliverable. As part of the defense, the student will be expected to present the execution plan in front of an evaluation committee consisting of faculty and industry experts, followed by a viva voce.